Monday, June 23, 2008

People who can't type

I am a very helpful person when I want to be and today I felt like answering questions on Yahoo Answers. There was a person who had asked this question:

I want to know dat how much is starting package for BBA graduate ??

can anyone tell me dat is good to work aftr BBA or its good to do MBA...?? wat is approx pay given to any BBA graduate ?

Seriously...I can't believe they are graduating. So here was my reply:

For someone who has a lack of grammar proficiency...good luck just finding a job. I can't take you seriously and you aren't even defining what kind of job you want to get an idea of salary from.

DAT = Digital Audio Tape
AFTR = Air Force Training Record
WAT = Thai word for describing place of worship

Then I must have upset the person and she sent me a message which I could barely interpret. I actually almost laughed reading it.

Subject: Thankx 4 telling me abt my grammar...

Message: i want 2 knw abt marketing...!! aftr BBA gradution i want to work rather den doing MBA , so i just want to knw dat how much are we paid , in d field of marketing ??? if u knw den let me knw or else just shut up..!! dont comment on ma language ..!! its far better den urs...!!

It's like she's reverted to "I know you are, but what am I?" Seriously...people like this drive me crazy. It might be all right on IM to do shorthand, but not when you are trying to ask about something like this could one ever take a person like that seriously. It sounds like she is a tween.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Idiot Teens Girls (Teenyboppers)

A teenybopper (or tweenybopper) is a vernacular socially constructed term by marketing professionals and psychologists referring to the age-span before a child hits their adolescence, particularly girls, who follow teenage fashion in music, clothes, and culture.

That is the dictionary definition of a pre-teen. I call all teenagers this because really their brains haven't developed yet. Are you wondering why I say this?

Read this article pulled from CNN:

STDs, creepiness, and all other things aside, this reminds me of the Ugly Betty show on ABC where Wilhelmina impregnates a woman (Christina) so she can use the "love child" to gain power and money. When Christina finds out she says she won't tell anyone as long as the child is actually loved and cared for as a human.

These teenyboppers actually made a pact to get pregnant because it would be "cool". What about the children? They are going to grow up with fathers they don't know (one was a homeless man) and to top that off they will probably end up as criminals.

This is just taking "go forth and multiply" to a sickening extreme.

CNN has a video that Planned Parenthood saying that the parents should take a step in and the host is saying (and I agree) that the government is pushing that information should be left in the hands of education and the schools. The lady running the daycare at the school says there should be a place for accountability, not shame. Without shame, there is no essence of right or wrong! Just take a look at the jails here. We punish them, but not like how was done in the past (public humiliation) and they go right back to do it again.

To these girls...good luck trying to get a husband when he finds out you are 20, work at McDonalds, have a 3 year old, and got knocked up by a homeless man you begged to get you pregnant.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My Brain, the Goverment, and all those nice things

My Brain:
Ok so here is the problem I had...a couple a weeks ago I was sitting at my computer and I started to have problems focusing and then the room shifted and I had vertical double vision (opposite of what happens when you cross your eyes). I freaked out and saw the doctor the next day. He did a whole bunch of eye tests and determined that my eyes were very healthy. He suggested I get an MRI to rule out a brain tumor or MS (how happy!). I got an MRI two days later. Last night I had vertigo (inner ear problems where calcium build-up falls off and when you tilt your head certain ways...especially down the room starts to spin). I called the doctor today since it's been a week and a half since the MRI and I come to find out I just have MILD sinus "disease" (sinusitis). A simple decongestant will help. He also told me that vertigo can cause double vision so I'm assuming the two are related. I spent $50 at the doctor and probably at least $500 (this is why I am paying $150 a month for me for health insurance to get the low deductible) on the MRI to find out I have sinus problems...which I already know. At least my actual brain is fine!

The Government:
I was reading a post on the DDN site with this headline "Governments can't be sued for ice on roads". Apparently the fire department PUT water on a road in the winter for a controlled-burn exercise and a kid slid into a pole and died that night from it. The fire department was dismissed (and later overruled so they took it up with the feds who came up with that verdict). Isn't that so LIKE the government? I mean...that's definitely NOT an act of God right there. If WE shovel our sidewalk (well you, not me, because I don't have a sidewalk) and someone slips, they can sue us...why is the government getting off easy? Seriously...whose bright idea was it to put water on a TRAVELED road? If they want to do a controlled-burn they should do it in a controlled non-public area! Stupid government.

Job Posters for Designers:
I was looking at this job posting on Guru that just cracked me up - "I am designing a CD album cover and need a graphic designer". If you are designing it...why do you need a graphic designer? Oh YES...because the client likes assuming a role where they have a say in the design (like make it look worse because they like it ugly).

Monday, June 2, 2008

Year of Chaos

Is this the year of chaos for me or what? Seriously...I just got a notice in the mail from the IRS saying I owed money and they penalized me by about $10 because I was late. I did my taxes in March via HR Block and had an automatic withdrawal on 3/31. I tried about 4 different phone numbers to get a hold of a person and was transferred three times to get it fixed.

Guess what I found out after an hour on hold?

I had a 0 balance. Computer error.