Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why idiots shouldn't have guns

A father arrested after his 6-year-old daughter was fatally shot in their Washington state home allegedly told authorities he had been drinking double shots of vodka while cleaning his guns.

Court papers say Richard Peters told detectives he had asked his daughter, Stormy, to bring him the .45-caliber handgun Sunday. He said he must have pulled the trigger, and the girl fell to the floor. She was pronounced dead Monday.

Signs of an idiot:
Handling a weapon while intoxicated
Cleaning a loaded weapon
Ask a 6 year old to handle a loaded weapon

Bail for Peters, 42, was set Monday at $250,000. He has been arrested for investigation of first-degree manslaughter.

This was no accident. I have no sympathy for Peters at all whatsoever. It's amazing the girl didn't shoot herself.

This makes sane and responsible gun owners look bad.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The new Star Trek kills a Corvette

So I was watching the new Star Trek trailer ( and I was utterly pissed that they killed a Corvette on it. I was ticked. It's a beautiful car, a classic. Why couldn't they have used a Toyota or some POS import? Then I realized..."wait a minute, it's the future". A Toyota or a POS import would have long since rusted and been put into compost. This proves the stamina of GM engineering and production. It survives centuries :) least until Kirk drives it off a cliff.

Granted my brother Kirk has a good point. A car like that surviving that long would more than likely be in a museum.

Return address is office?

Ok so someone bought the Xbox WiFi Adapter that I posted on Amazon (that was a rant in itself..the thing only works with factory xbox and you have to use a disk that only reads on a factory xbox to get the adapter configured). Anyway...I put my return address on it and the recipient in the USPS click and ship. I go to the post office in Alpha, Ohio (essentially Beavercreek) and the lady goes "if you used our zip code we'd get credit for shipping it". I just being ridiculously misinterpreting or does that totally NOT make sense? I mean, the recipient should have a proper return address on the package. I'm not going to lie. That zip code is not MY zip code nor a Xenia zip code. It would be like putting the post office as the return address which makes 0 sense. Who looks at the shipping from zip code at the post office? I've never had anyone beg for zip code "credit". How odd.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Google thinks I'm a virus

So I'm listening to and trying to get the name of the music in the background. I'm trying to search by the lyrics (and since I don't know Italian...I'm trying to guess how to spell). Anyway...after a certain amount of tries, it appears that I am a virus...

We're sorry...

... but your query looks similar to automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.

We'll restore your access as quickly as possible, so try again soon. In the meantime, if you suspect that your computer or network has been infected, you might want to run a virus checker or spyware remover to make sure that your systems are free of viruses and other spurious software.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope we'll see you again on Google.

Well I hope they like Yahoo because that's what I'm using now (at least until Google lets me search again).

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Throw Away in NOT a Throw Away. It's YOUR fault for making a monopoly!

Remember - the two-party system relies on the fact that people typically vote Dem or Rep. So if more people broadened their horizon it would be an equal playing field for everyone. Just because someone isn't Dem or Rep doesn't mean they can't win or be a big decision maker in who wins.

I think it's loony to vote for a lesser of a two evil when there is a perfectly good candidate that is in the 3rd largest party. If it's going to "spoil" then we should get rid of democracy all together. We have the freedom to choose who we want. If we didn't have that choice then it would be a throw away. It's loony to not vote at all. In the words of one reporter "The greatest power the people have is their vote, and in supporting the lesser of two evils each election, voters ensure eternal evil." I'm voting for the candidate I agree with the most. Even if it's not 100%, it's the best choice for me.

Then if you all complain if the US goes sour if a Rep or Dem takes it down, it's YOUR fault for allowing them a monopoly because you could have voted otherwise. Even in the local races, I vote for who I closest agree with. I don't care about party lines.