Thursday, January 22, 2009

How could someone do this?

This guy who produces The Kingery in Pendant (audio group I voice for)...anyway he died and many people donated money to the Iowa Food Relief Fund in his honor and made sympathy comments in a special episode of "this week in Pendant" (TWIP).


He faked his death! Apparently he was depressed and was at a very low point and didn't think anyone would care if he he wrote a letter to Pendant (probably in someone else's words) that he died.

Now, almost 6 months later, he's saying he's sorry. He's got a girlfriend now and his life is back together. I'm sorry but if my "boyfriend" lied to hundreds of people and made them all think he was dead, I wouldn't ever be able to support him doing that or ever trust him.

Yes I forgive you. No I do not and will not ever condone what you did.

Flow, my tears, fall from your springs!
Exiled for ever, let me mourn;
Where night's black bird her sad infamy sings,
There let me live forlorn.

Down vain lights, shine you no more!
No nights are dark enough for those
That in despair their lost fortunes deplore.
Light doth but shame disclose.

Never may my woes be relieved,
Since pity is fled;
And tears and sighs and groans my weary days
Of all joys have deprived.

From the highest spire of contentment
My fortune is thrown;
And fear and grief and pain for my deserts
Are my hopes, since hope is gone.

Hark! you shadows that in darkness dwell,
Learn to contemn light
Happy, happy they that in hell
Feel not the world's despite.

People who complain about guns

Would you rather be subject A or subject B homeowner

Subject A:
SPRINGFIELD — A man investigating an open door at his garage was startled by a burglar, and his gun went off striking the intruder around midnight Wednesday, Jan. 21, police said.

Subject B:
XENIA — A man received a minor cut to his arm in a scuffle with a pair of men who forced their way into his home early Thursday morning, Jan. 22, according to Xenia police.