Monday, December 12, 2011

Female Ordination

There's a group on Facebook (and they have their own website) called Ordain Women Now (in the LCMS). I posted on their wall because it infuriates me.

There is no such thing as a female pastor. "Call" it what you will, it is a figment of the imagination. There is most definitely no such thing as a "female LCMS pastor" or an LCMS group that wants female ordination. There are people within the denomination (this OWN group). That's not the LCMS (i.e. speaking on behalf of) and I pray it will never be. Because, as many others said, I would not be an LCMS member. I would be a WELS member, as would probably much of the synod as well. So in reality, you would be better off making your own synod because LCMS would be rather empty, I'm sure. There is nothing wrong with NOT being a pastor. Everyone and every gender has their God-given roles.

So you wonder why I might have allowed myself to create an ELCA website with a "female pastor"? I figured at least people would get exposure to the gospel. Trust me, I was very back-and-forth on it. But I figured some exposure for people was better than no exposure, and hopefully the conviction of the Holy Spirit would lead them towards a non ELCA congregation.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Suicidal Bikers

You know exactly what I'm talking about. Those guys who operate the super futuristic sports bikes that fly down the highway, weaving in and out of traffic.

I would say they are suicidal. They are just waiting for someone to change lanes and not realize they are going 20-30mph over the speed limit.

Another thing that drives me crazy are the people who bike without a helmet. I'm sure you really want your brains to paint the pavement. I'd rather not be witness to it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Crazy people.

So I got another warning at the CF. This time for telling someone they shouldn't talk about their beliefs to others because they might think they had some mental issues. I got the warning for flaming.

The person wrote:

If the mother is mentally ill, handicapped, mentally challenged, on medication that causes birth deffects, then the baby would definitely be born messed up, and the woman would not be able to properly care for the baby because of her handicap, best to abort it. I'd say these are good reasons for abortion.

Of course then after I posted they admitted to having a disability and mental issues...and that she would never get pregnant but was on birth control.

I might have crossed the line by saying "Well, you don't have children because according to your beliefs they would be aborted because you have a disability and couldn't raise them and they would be messed up."

However, I think it needed to be said. Life is a beautiful thing. She wouldn't exist if her parents believed what she did.

My word.

Oh not to mention this,

Paul did say it was best to stay unmarried and virginal to serve the Lord.

He said it was good. Not best. In other words there is nothing wrong with being unmarried.

Crazy people are going to drive ME crazy. That along with CF.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The KJV is the end all, be all

I'm so sick of people trying to debate that the KJV is the only translation that contains "God's Truth". Personally I never stick to one translation, but compare. This person posts a link ( about Luke 4:8 in KJV and the site says "Many counterfeits remove the words "get thee behind me, Satan".

I find it ironic they only cross-examine with the KJV. Not the original text. The person was talking about writing in Hebrew, but the NT wasn't written in Hebrew.

In fact, the Latin Vulgate (4th century)reads "And Jesus answered and said unto him, it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve" (Google translation from "et respondens Iesus dixit illi scriptum est Dominum Deum tuum adorabis et illi soli servies"). In the 1500s it was translated into Douay-Rheims "And Jesus answering said to him: It is written: Thou shalt adore the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."

To be spouting off things like "Why his gospel needs updating I don't know." not taking into consideration the KJV is an update just gets under my skin. How thick can a person be? The 1611 KJV is not "that" old! I would also pretty much guarantee he doesn't have an actual 1611 which includes the Apocrypha.

He goes further by saying "stay away from these Bibles that omit verses or change things around."

How about ADDING to verses?

Good grief.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Steal $400,000 and only be fined $10k

There are so many things wrong in the world and our judicial system should be at the top.
A Kettering woman on Tuesday pleaded guilty to stealing more than $400,000 from Stahl Vision in Beavercreek.
Donahue would get out of prison via judicial release after one year provided she’s paid $10,000 in restitution by that date.
The prosecutor said Donahue likely won’t pay back much more than a small fraction of the $403,110 that police say she took between Feb. 1, 2007, and July 31, 2010, from the vision center at 4235 Indian Ripple Road.
Does it not make more sense that the restitution should be equal to the amount stolen?

My word I'm in the wrong profession. Crime is MUCH more profitable. You even get free healthcare when you are committed!


Predominantly a new concept, I’m sure you’ve heard of churches where there are altar calls and praise reports about how someone led someone else to Christ. Even so much as people call it “soul-winning” (even the LCMS - but the Lutheran definition is completely different). It’s completely un-Biblical if you think you play any part in a conversion experience.

  • The Holy Spirit works through the presentation of the gospel.
  • Faith is a result of the Holy Spirit’s work.
  • Salvation is solely a work of the Holy Spirit by grace through faith, not by us.
  • Anything we do for Christ is a result of the Holy Spirit (we are an instrument of God).
As Paul says, we plant the seed and can water it but God gives the growth. The planters and waterers are nothing. Of course, when all you are worried about is “soul-winning”, there often isn’t even water.
When you receive a gift, how often do you keep the wrapping paper?

"Getting Saved"

The phrase "I got saved" annoys me to no end and just about as much as people who talk about "accepting Christ".

That would be fine and dandy, but you can’t accept Christ, nor can you actively participate in your own salvation. If you could solely play a part in your conversion experience it would be a work. You can’t even believe in Christ on your own. That’s all the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works through the presentation of the gospel in our hearts. The Holy Spirit imparts faith. The Holy Spirit gives us the power to believe. Salvation is grace through faith by the power of the Triune God.

Homosexuality in nature

I was in a discussion about homosexuality being a sin in the Christian Forums. A humanist came in and was trying to justify it being normal through animals in nature. Apparently animals have had homosexual tendencies. While that may be true and all, it amazes me that people try to justify human behavior based on animal behavior. Humans were created in the image of God, animals were not. Animals live based on instinct, and humans do not.

Even if you wanted to apply science to this animal behavior it fails to be "normal". It makes absolute perfect sense that a species would WANT to annihilate itself, doesn't it? If it isn't asexual, it depends on the other gender to procreate and "survival of the fittest" would not apply because they do not want to survive.

I would assume the general consensus in science is that humans and animals seek to find better ways of surviving. Limiting the gene pool and reducing the population does not make sense. If we left this "natural" subject up to science, it would seem that through natural selection, humans don't want to exist (at least the ones that support and promote homosexuality).

It's comparing apple and oranges, but if you really want to compare, consider that it scientifically makes no sense for a species to want to annihilate itself by not reproducing (perfectly in line with God's command to "be fruitful and multiply").

A two-headed turtle can certainly exist in nature. That doesn't mean it is normal.