There's a group on Facebook (and they have their own website) called Ordain Women Now (in the LCMS). I posted on their wall because it infuriates me.
There is no such thing as a female pastor. "Call" it what you will, it is a figment of the imagination. There is most definitely no such thing as a "female LCMS pastor" or an LCMS group that wants female ordination. There are people within the denomination (this OWN group). That's not the LCMS (i.e. speaking on behalf of) and I pray it will never be. Because, as many others said, I would not be an LCMS member. I would be a WELS member, as would probably much of the synod as well. So in reality, you would be better off making your own synod because LCMS would be rather empty, I'm sure. There is nothing wrong with NOT being a pastor. Everyone and every gender has their God-given roles.
So you wonder why I might have allowed myself to create an ELCA website with a "female pastor"? I figured at least people would get exposure to the gospel. Trust me, I was very back-and-forth on it. But I figured some exposure for people was better than no exposure, and hopefully the conviction of the Holy Spirit would lead them towards a non ELCA congregation.