Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Abortion and Planned Parenthood

So this is how Planned Parenthood defines abortion (which, for the record, has nothing to do with parenthood but assisted murder), "a suction machine gently empties your uterus". Seriously. You'd have to be a complete idiot to not realize that there is a life in the uterus before it is sucked out. Their site lists abortion as an option for pregnancy. I know some people think they don't have a choice and may not be able to afford/provide the love a child needs, but there are plenty of people who wait years to adopt and would love to have a child that would otherwise have its life exterminated because someone thought it was a good option. It costs less to end a human life than it does to create one for women struggling with infertility (and that is the honest truth). Why doesn't the government fund programs that help women with infertility? They can help people with diabetes, cancer, abnormalities like a deviated septum and cleft pallete, yet helping a woman achieve the MOST fundamental aspect of life (reproduction) is off the table. WHY? I'm sure no parent could imagine sucking out their child's body parts. Yet, that is what happens. Save the baby humans!