Thursday, June 16, 2011


Predominantly a new concept, I’m sure you’ve heard of churches where there are altar calls and praise reports about how someone led someone else to Christ. Even so much as people call it “soul-winning” (even the LCMS - but the Lutheran definition is completely different). It’s completely un-Biblical if you think you play any part in a conversion experience.

  • The Holy Spirit works through the presentation of the gospel.
  • Faith is a result of the Holy Spirit’s work.
  • Salvation is solely a work of the Holy Spirit by grace through faith, not by us.
  • Anything we do for Christ is a result of the Holy Spirit (we are an instrument of God).
As Paul says, we plant the seed and can water it but God gives the growth. The planters and waterers are nothing. Of course, when all you are worried about is “soul-winning”, there often isn’t even water.
When you receive a gift, how often do you keep the wrapping paper?

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