Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What is a Stoplight?

Ok...seriously. This is one thing that has been bugging me for ages. You know they call it a stoplight, however you don't just stop. It ACTUALLY is supposed to be the little light on the back of people's cars when they stop. Some idiot from who knows where must have decided that it would be fun to confuse the hell out of people but changing the word from "traffic light" to "stoplight". I mean, with a stop sign you always have to stop...logic dictates a stoplight would indicate the same as well, much like the flashing red lights at stop signs...if stoplights are traffic lights then what are those called? Oh you don't get confused they are beacons. Now beacon by definition is a warning signal (seriously...just warning). Let me show you...

1. a guiding or warning signal, as a light or fire, esp. one in an elevated position.
2. a tower or hill used for such purposes.
3. a lighthouse, signal buoy, etc., on a shore or at a dangerous area at sea to warn and guide vessels.
4. Navigation.
a. radio beacon.
b. a radar device at a fixed location that, upon receiving a radar pulse, transmits a reply pulse that enables the original sender to determine his or her position relative to the fixed location.
5. a person, act, or thing that warns or guides.
6. a person or thing that illuminates or inspires: The Bible has been our beacon during this trouble.
–verb (used with object)
7. to serve as a beacon to; warn or guide.
8. to furnish or mark with beacons: a ship assigned to beacon the shoals.
–verb (used without object)
9. to serve or shine as a beacon: A steady light beaconed from the shore.

See? Now do you see anything that would give you any indication that a beacon means "stop"? The traffic people who come up with this crap REALLY should be the ones responsible for all those intersection accidents we have. It's not our fault they can't name crap right. Mr. or Ms. Traffic Person, please get out a dictionary before you start naming things.

1 comment:

R. Douglas Barbieri said...

They can call them what they want. They are still tools of an fascist, totalitarian society.

I love this article. It defies conventional thinking:

Controlled Chaos: Europe Does Away With Traffic Signs

The answer to road rage is to do away with road signs and traffic signals! Who would have thought?!