Friday, August 29, 2008

The Anti-Rant for Today - Supernatural Diaper

Great story I found on the DDN. People look to scientific explanations for miracles. I don't.

Associated Press Writer
A disposable diaper has saved the life of an 18-month-old boy, breaking his fall from a third-floor apartment window, officials said Thursday.

Caua Felipe Massaneiro survived a 30-foot (10-meter) fall because his diaper snagged on a security spike embedded in the concrete wall around his apartment building in the northeastern Brazilian city of Recife.

The boy dangled from the spike for a moment, then "the diaper opened and the baby fell to the ground, but at a much slower speed," a police officer said. "The diaper obviously lessened the impact of the fall and saved the baby's life."

"It was a miracle," said the officer who declined to be identified because she was not authorized to speak to the press. "He could also have been killed by one of the spikes."

The child was treated for minor fractures at the Hospital Memorial Sao Jose, where spokesman Gilberto Tenorio said he was in stable condition.

Police have opened an investigation to determine how the toddler fell out the window and "if parental negligence was one of the causes," the police officer said.

The Folha de S. Paulo newspaper quoted Caua's father, 23-year-old Alexandre Cesar Massaneiro as saying that his son climbed onto a sofa underneath the window he fell from - "something he had never done before."

"It wasn't the diaper that saved him," Massaneiro told the newspaper. "It was God."

See the last line there? If only more people would believe that. I don't things happen just for nothing. Everything happens for a reason.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Websense Piece of Useless Crap

I'm writing this from home because apparently blogger is a personal site/social networking. Since our company did an upgrade it's now blocked. Also blocked is DeviantART which is very useful in the ways of Photoshop brushes and vector shapes and stock art. Also blocked is where I get sound effects for things (which I prefer over Flashkit because it's more intuitive).

So yea, my boss is pissed and so are other people in the building. I mean seriously, as an artist I need my inspirations. If inspirations and resources are blocked it's very limiting. Also, I can VPN into my computer at home to view things but we have a firewall on our emails at work so if I were to email myself what I needed (excluding sound because I can't listen to sound remotely) it would take a whole day cause the IT guy quit and there isn't anyone to bump through emails.

Annoying as sin. On the bright side, my boss said if it starts to hinder my work I can work from home.


In the meantime....if I start screaming you know why.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Affirmitive Action

We all know that even though people say equal-opportunity, they still have to abide with affirmative action which is a load of heinous crap. Even with employers, they have to provide a list of who applied for a job just so the govt can make sure no one was excluded by discrimination.

At least I'm a woman! The white male has it harder. This is an issue going on in the UK as well (I am pretty sure it's with immigration of Indian/Middle Easterns).

As Ron Paul has said so many times. You initiate racism when you define race. We can't be equal until everyone is treated equal with TRUE equal opportunities. We are all Americans. Why can't people be happy to leave it at that.

I am an Irish-English-German-American but I don't get offended when people call me white. The US needs to go back to it's roots when people were glad to just be called American. Those who are IN the country with the intention of staying SHOULD ASSIMILATE!!! If you plan on getting citizenship, CUT ALL TIES to your past allegiances. LEARN THE NATIVE LANGUAGE!

For pities many of you have watched COPS where the police officers (in the US) can't even speak English to criminals because they don't understand.

Save 6000 Jobs or Save People's Lives

I went to Kmart (which I don't do normally) to pay off our Sears card balance (I accidentally used the card rather than my debit card. They are the same color and all I think is gold and shiny rather than looking at the label. Anyway...this woman comes up to people asking them if they want to sign a petition to save 5000 jobs (I pulled an article on it and apparently it's 6000). She asked me after others shrugged her off and I told her to tell me more (and by the way...most likely these people have no idea REALLY what they are talking about). She said that it would make the payday loans and cash advance places have to lower their interest rates so they could (get this) STAY OPEN! I wonder if she works for one of those places. I started to try and tell her higher interest is a good deterrent so people don't go into debt and she basically tried to get me to shut up.

Why this made my rant blog is because so many people are so stupid when it comes to signing petitions. They don't hear the whole story. If the petitioner can't defend their stance then it's a worthless sign. Another reason this made my blog is because after I left the store the lady approached me again (she forgot I talked to her) and then I went to the fabric store and when I came back her partner in crime asked me too (and then the lady is like "oh don't ask her, I already did).

I would rather save people's lives than 6000 jobs. An article about this was posted (The Plain Dealer).

Payday lenders in Ohio--a mushrooming industry which grew into more than 1,500 storefronts statewide in a decade--had argued back that they were providing a desirable product. Besides, they said a 28 percent cap would be an industry death knell forcing storefronts to shutter and costing 6,000 jobs in Ohio.

However, Republican legislative leaders said Monday that any payday lending jobs that may be lost by the bill essentially aren't worth trying to keep. "We want to replace jobs that are taking advantage of people with jobs that help people," said Senate President Bill Harris, an Ashland Republican.