Why this made my rant blog is because so many people are so stupid when it comes to signing petitions. They don't hear the whole story. If the petitioner can't defend their stance then it's a worthless sign. Another reason this made my blog is because after I left the store the lady approached me again (she forgot I talked to her) and then I went to the fabric store and when I came back her partner in crime asked me too (and then the lady is like "oh don't ask her, I already did).
I would rather save people's lives than 6000 jobs. An article about this was posted (The Plain Dealer).
Payday lenders in Ohio--a mushrooming industry which grew into more than 1,500 storefronts statewide in a decade--had argued back that they were providing a desirable product. Besides, they said a 28 percent cap would be an industry death knell forcing storefronts to shutter and costing 6,000 jobs in Ohio.
However, Republican legislative leaders said Monday that any payday lending jobs that may be lost by the bill essentially aren't worth trying to keep. "We want to replace jobs that are taking advantage of people with jobs that help people," said Senate President Bill Harris, an Ashland Republican.
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