Monday, May 5, 2008

Earthlink Lesson Review

So today I get a bill in the mail from Earthlink. It says I owe $12.29 for Norton Security. I was wondering where the hell this came from. So I chat with them (online rather than phone, reason being I was so pissed I could scream and that would be inappropriate and not polite given the CSR doesn't know me)...apparently I "asked for it" in March back when I also "asked" for my account to get fixed. I was very put off (yet again).

My exact words were:

"You want to know what happened in March? Your company upgraded my plan without my knowledge and I called to have it fixed. Maybe you decided to also make me pay for something else while you were at it. I've spent hours on the phone with you people trying to get my account resolved. This is the last thing I need, quite literally."

I have no idea what they were thinking...but at least the CSR gave me the credit...I hope. Even if I were to cancel, I still have to wait 30 days and thus pay any bill. But I learned my time I need a cable provider, I'm going with people I can understand in English and don't have to jump through hoops for...and that means Time Warner.

Earthlink if you are reading, enjoy this FREE advertising.

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